


Often we experience death and react to change in ways which have significant effects on us and our relationships. We may change jobs, go through divorce, leave home or experience other transitions which impact our lives. Discussing  these  changes help us understand what we've gone through and the impact the changes have made on our lives.






Depression is often referred to as the common cold of mental health--but how an individual experiences this problem is a very individual matter. Depression can be painful, and others may not understand how this impacts us. Having someone who understands these issues and helps to guide and accept can make a great difference.






Anxiety plagues many of us as we go through our daily lives. There may be specific triggers which alarm us, or situations that give us trouble as we try to cope with life. Strategies for coping with anxiety and talking through the problem can be very important. It also helps to look at possible conflicts which may be causing the anxiety in a safe space.


Relationship issues


How we feel about ourselves and how we communicate our thoughts and feelings is key in developing important relationships.  Also, learning  how to deal with difficult people in our lives can improve relationships and reduce stress. Talking through these experiences, and seeing patterns in our relationships can help make sense out of our interpersonal history.





Drug and alcohol addiction is toxic not only to the physical body but to relationships. Whether you are a family member or an individual struggling with addiction or abuse,  you can't do it alone. I have worked in the addiction field since 1985 and can attest that the 12-step program  and other principles are guides to a new beginning and transformation.